SQL A Structured Query Language

Posted by Aniqa Elahi on December 19, 2016

SQL (Structured Query Language) is everywhere, and in today’s digitalized world with massive amounts of data being gathered every day and stored into a database, knowing how to program with SQL is very important.

What is SQL ?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to communicate with a database. According to ANSI (American National Standards Institute), it is the standard language for relational database management systems.

Storing Data

Relational Databases like SQL store data in a structure we refer to as a table. You can think of a table in a database a lot like you would a spreadsheet. We define specific columns in our table, and then we store any number of what we refer to as ‘records’ as rows in our database. For Example we have our student’s record table as follows

ID        -   Name        -       Age        -    Gender    -    Grade   -    Score 

01        - Qasim         -      10         -       M         -     5TH      -    87

02        - Hunniya       -      10         -       F         -     5TH      -    95

03        - Abiya         -       6         -       F         -      1ST     -    90

04        - Ahmed         -      13         -       M         -     7TH      -    87

05        - Zara          -      9          -       F         -     5TH      -    87

SQL supports a number of statements that can build, manipulate and update such data tables called queries which are terminated with a semicolon (;).


We can easily create a table using “CREATE TABLE” query as follows

Gender CHAR(1),	Grade TEXT,Score INTEGER);


Above statement will create a table name “students” with six fields of data specifying their data types as text, integer and char(character) .Here it is important to know that SQL supports only four data types i.e TEXT,INTEGER,CHAR and BOOLEAN and doesnt support Arrays or Hashes. Also we have specify the ID as a PRIMARY KEY which means its a uniques value which will be used to identify each record associated with it . Now we can apply different queries to insert, retrieve and update data in this table .


Now we have our “students” table which is empty right now we can insert data using INSERT INTO query

INSERT INTO students(Name,Age,Gender,Grade,Score) VALUES (“Qasim”,10,”M”,”5TH”,87);

Above statement will insert record for the first student and will automatically give it the ID as 1 since a primary key will automatically be incremented and assigned. we can add the rest of records as well.


To select data from the above table we can use the following query using wildcard character(*)

SELECT * FROM students;

will give us

1 Qasim 10 M 5TH 87
2 Hunniya 10 F 5TH 95
3 Abiya 6 F 1ST 90
4 Ahmed 13 M 7TH 87
5 Zara 9 F 5TH 87

we can get names only as follows

SELECT Name FROM students;

will give us name only as follows

Qasim Hunniya Abiya Ahmed Zara

We can also filter our result using WHERE with SELECT as follows For Example I want to get the students names who have a Score over 90

SELECT Name FROM students WHERE Score>90;

will out put as follows



NOW we want to add a new column to our students table which gives us information about Teacher, we can do that using following query

		ALTER students ADD COLUMN Teacher TEXT;

And we can insert the value for teacher as follows

    UPDATE students SET Teacher = "MRS Rice" WHERE ID = 1;

The UPDATE statement uses a WHERE clause to grab the row you want to update. It identifies the table name you are looking in and resets the data in a particular column to a new value.