Anonymous Function

Merging code with life

Devise Mailer

Devise is a great gem and provides a lot of functionality. Today I will expalin how I made a very simple app that utilizes Devise and uses its Mailer to send emails upon signing up and authorizes an email. For setting up Devise follow the following link

Setting Up Devise in 10 steps

Lets create a small app that utilizes Devise and provides links to sign up, log in and logout.

React/Redux App with Rails Api

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. It is most commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for building user interfaces. I will briefly explain the concepts and features that I used in this app along with an explanation of the code. The concept starts with a web page being a collection of components (much like the states in our United States). It is not only easy to manage components individually, but they can also be used in other parts of code as needed.

Adding AJAX to My Rails Project

Adding Ajax to my Rails Project was quiet fun. I have the following ideas in my mind

Speakers App

Thinking about a domain model is always challenging. You dont want a model which has unnecessary controllers or models. I made my app for a NGO which helps people finding a job. While working for them I realize a lot of things are done manually before being published to their website. For example every week they have a meeting where different speakers come to give their lectures and we send them forms to manually fill which are then transfered to their IT team to add in the website. Another challenging job is to send email reminders before the meeting. Based on this information I came up with following models .